Designer and Maker.

Inspired by humanity and the earth.

Not for Profit Design

I’m privileged to have a job as a Design Leader. I look after teams of designers who partner with business teams to create more human centred services and experiences. When I’m not doing that I combine my creative interests and professional design skills to collaborate with artists and not for profit organisations to create visual identities, illustrations, digital designs and websites that further their missions to deliver positive social and environmental change.

I work on a pay what you can or voluntary basis to make professional design services accessible to all. For me each project is a conversation, a chance to immerse myself in that world and to create.

My Creative Practice

My creative practice is focussed on connection to the earth. To observe, to name and bring a plant or animal into our everyday lives through use or expression, creates a connection. Walking in nature, learning, foraging, growing and using plants are all part of my creative process.

I am fascinated by the connection between indigenous histories and modern science. From megalithic stones to mycelial networks. Indigenous cultures have had an instinctive understanding of natural ecosystems for thousands of years, in ways that biology now provides evidence to explain. And decorative objects are both a creative and practical part of rituals to retain and pass on knowledge.

“Rose managed to take our values, passion for community, accessibility and inclusion, and turn it into a stunning combination of positive, bright and celebratory brand.”

QuTo Glasgow